How can my website produce leads?

As of June 2021, there are 1.88 BILLION websites floating around the world wide web.

Amongst all that traffic, how can your small business attract leads? 

Hold your gasps at this extraordinary number. We’re about to explain HOW you can take the visitors to your website and turn them into potential leads for your business.   

When building a website, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes and a simple ‘Call Now’ button doesn’t cut it anymore. You can’t force people onto your website BUT when they get there it’s important to make a stellar first impression.   

Here are three ways to help increase your website’s conversion rate that you can action today. 

1. Talk to a defined target market

Let’s use the example of a plumbing business that specialises in residential properties. 

The Plumber received 100 visits to their website, but only 10 of these people are interested in his specialty of residential properties. That means only 10% of people going to their website are interested in their services.  

What the Plumber needs to do in this instance is have clear information on their website that highlights their specialty (and their customer’s pain points) by placing the most important information in a prominent location on the website. 

By implementing this strategy, the user will immediately know if the Plumber’s services are applicable to their needs and if the Plumber can solve their problem. It’s worth taking the time to define your target market, so you can start communicating with them in a way that truly resonates. 

You want to your website to be an accurate representation of your business. Leave no room for confusion, be clear in your messaging and use language that’s easy to understand.  

2. Clear call-to-action

Make it clear what you want your website visitors to DO. If you want them to call, then make that the main narrative throughout your website. The same goes for any other type of contact method, like emails, texting and submission forms. Be consistent with the type of action you’d like your potential client to make. 

Next, put this call-to-action button in as many relevant places as possible. For example, anytime you refer to a service, your specialty or useful resources (like blogs), suggest an action for the user to take, like “Call now”, “Get in touch”, “Keep reading” or “Find out more”.  

Often, websites are set up assuming that potential clients should know what to do. Don’t leave it up to chance. Clearly prompt, direct and tell your prospective clients what action to take next.  

TIP: Make the call-to-action button big, clear and bright. There’s a reason why stop signs are red. 

Gravity IT

3. Use testimonials & case studies

This is how we build trust. By showcasing the experiences of previous customers, you’re showing your future customers what to expect. Using the old-fashioned strategy of ‘show don’t tell’, it’s also called creating social proof. 

Testimonials explain how your services benefit your customers, as their stories paint a picture of what it’s like working with your business. These stories reassure potential customers that your business consistently delivers high-quality service.  

The trick is to not hide your testimonials at the bottom of the page. Put them in a prominent location on your website and add a call-to action-button nearby.  

Capitalise on your digital real estate

Consider the online platforms where your business has a presence- think social media or Google Business- and ensure all these channels direct people to your website. It’s your business’s digital shopfront.   

First impressions count, so make sure you nail the initial interaction to eliminate barriers to securing more leads. 

Now that your website’s optimised for attracting leads, how do you feel? 

If you’d like to chat more about your website, call us! We’re in the business of helping businesses create websites and digital real estate that resonates, and we’d love to help your business reach its highest potential. 

Learn more about website updates in our blog: 3 signs you need a new website.